Diluted Seasons (NSFW - M)

(Ao3) (SW)

There is a power in death and life. The world just needs to bend to it.

  1. The Snow Falls In Summer - They were both monsters. One had blood. The other had Ruko. (FFN)
  2. The Falling Leaves - She was fire. Fire burned. Fire shielded. And she would not let Ruko hurt. Ruko will not share Hitoe's fate. (FFN)
  3. Autumn Leaves - [ficlet collection]She is caked in flame and blood, and walks on a path of ashes and mud. (FFN)
Rotten Candies

(Ao3) (SW)

In this world, death is the next big adventure. It's just not a very happy one.

  1. Poison is the Color Red - How many times have they done this by now? Looped and danced and watched the end of the beginning. But this time, Taiki has an all new plan of action. It starts with tearing off the mask. Xros Wars AU. Warnings inside (FFN)
  2. Rotten Candies (written by remi, inactive)

  3. Blue is a Reminder of Nobility
  4. Purple Blends on Paper

(Ao3) (SW)

A simple savers/story connection.

  1. Explosion - [DS] Part of Entropy. 'Perhaps, from nothing, something would rise again.' (FFN)
  2. down for the scraps - [Savers/Story] Perhaps it's a bit late for him to turn over a new leaf, but what does he have to lose? The world gave up on him a long time ago. He's not sure, though, that he's ready to give up on the world. (FFN)