aiko's otter den
digimon series
Hello! You have reached the fic info website for aikotters. This is where you guys can find all of my docs and active fic information in one easy place! Please feel free to look around!
Hello! You have reached the fic info website for aikotters. This is where you guys can find all of my docs and active fic information in one easy place! Please feel free to look around!
-The Chosen Children rose to the Digital World in the sky three weeks before. Life goes on and no clues awaken. Then, an ordinary boy finds himself being chased by dragons, and saved by a young woman who simply can’t be human, and she’s not the only one. Some burdens simply cannot be let go of, and that includes the burden of having power. AU
- The game is a dancer's affair, handled in the shadows. But sometimes, bold moves have to be taken. And so do bold countermeasures.
Just because Ichijouji Ken is not the Kaiser, doesn't mean one doesn't exist. And just because they lose doesn't mean all is right with the world.
Yuuko takes the hit for her brother and the eaters spread further, through time and space, and draws Juri into its orbit.
Love of all kinds makes the world go round.
- The butterfly caused the hurricane. And now the ripples are taking effect. With no Hikari, pieces scramble to be put in the right places and what's easy stops making sense fairly fast.
-Too many people see the future. Not enough people realize that seeing it enough to screw it all up.
Sometimes, people will do anything to escape boredom. When people's lives are involved, it's rare that they do anything good. It all started when someone died when maybe he shouldn't have, and destiny flipped butt over backwards from there.
-If only they had been human, perhaps Kurata would have changed his mind.
- The world is rather like a cycle. Rise, fall, repeat. Within the lies and the truth and the resilient souls, god watches over all, even with her eyes closed.
-Because pain not dealt with properly causes nothing but more suffering. Because there was a long game to be played. But people can still be healed with gentle hands and firm voices.
A look into how Daigo learned love is not enough to heal a person's grieving heart and Maki learned what it means to become the villain, and how they respond to it.
Taiki is a girl, and that changes a lot, and yet absolutely nothing.
Darkknightmon simply wants revenge and he'll use Taiki to do it. But Taiki won't go down without a fight and no one else will either.
-In a desperation for life, we end up moving ever closer to death. In a search for love, we end up going too far towards despair at times. But the important thing to do is snap back.
Ken doesn't know why he's dropped off in this new house, but he and his brother are here, and they have a lot of new siblings to deal with. And he grows up... more than a little differently.
An AU slowly expanding on the Dawn and Dusk games. The significance of Koh and Sayo and their partners, and the power that wells within them, and the thin line between human and monster. You can almost jump over it, can't you?
And thus, the world ends.
Time is a fickle thing. No matter how many nigh omnipotent beings try, time stubbornly tries to flow down the same path, the easiest path of least resistance. No matter how many times the self-titled God of Time tried to fix these broken loops, it kept happening; people died, the worlds ended, and once more they had to start from zero. They had to influence the goddess ruler Norn Yggdrasil secretly over and over again, trying so many things to keep it from happening as it always did, but nothing worked.
Until someone else added in something to the equation. A girl who became the daughter of 'gods', a girl whose adoptive parents would shape the world itself to protect. A girl whose father did not let her die and made her be reborn in the same way a Digimon would. She would grow up to be the Mother, the Lady of the Worlds, and with the hope of the one who originally made her, save this timeline from looping down into destruction once more.
Who is the name of this girl? She technically has two. And they are [REDACTED]
From the files of DATS Commander in Chief Rikarde Rittinger. (Being revised)
All children grow up under the light of the stars. For some, it’s a blessing. Others, it’s a curse.
For Sayo, it’s important to explore that childhood, and to preserve it for others. She just refuses to admit that’s what she’s doing.
For so many others, it is a trial they must confront and surpass, because adulthood is not waiting for them to be old enough.
-Following the battle with BelialVamdemon, Tailmon leaves Hikari to take a journey, while Hikari journeys into adulthood, in all its ups and downs. From those days on, a new group of children take on this world where humans and Digimon are bound together. One of them is her son.
-It started with a resolve to survive. This led to an army, and that led to a country. And that to prosperity. But that can’t last forever. Let’s start at the beginning first.
-This is the universe in which death is cheap, the Yagami siblings have the worst luck ever, and everyone will need a therapist by the end. Hikari is the one in the driver's seat instead of Taichi and she decided to give up on the seatbelts. Hang on for your life!
This base style was made by EGGRAMEN in 2020. This page was last updated in 1/2025.